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        <p>A CT scan helps your doctor make a diagnosis, decide about what treatment you need or find out if your treatment is working.</p>
        <p>This type of scan takes a series of x-rays and uses a computer to put them together.</p>
        <p>Before your scan you may need to drink either half a litre of water or a type of dye called a contrast medium. This helps to make the scan clearer.</p>
        <p>Before most scans you have a small tube put into your vein, which connects to a drip containing the dye. Again, this helps to show up the inside of your body more clearly on the scan.</p>
        <p>During the scan the bed moves in and out of the scanner. You may find it a bit noisy.</p>
        <p>As the drip goes in you’ll probably get a metallic taste in your mouth, feel warm and you might think you are passing urine, you’re not. These feelings pass quickly.</p>