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Getting Started at CRUK

Welcome to CRUK! This guide is here to help you with your onboarding, including setting up your development environment, gaining access to essential tools, and understanding our engineering practices.

Learning and Induction

Start by completing your induction training on Fuse. This provides a structured onboarding experience and introduces you to CRUK's mission, culture, and tools.

Key Resources

To understand CRUK's engineering and technology strategies, review the following documents. These require internal access:

Access Requests

Use ServiceNow to submit the following requests:

  • Local Admin Account
  • Access to AWS accounts via SSO (confirm specific accounts with your team)
  • VPN/Remote Access

GitHub Access

Request access to CRUK's GitHub organization by posting in the #ask-github-admins Slack channel.
Note: You can use an existing GitHub account or create a new one in the format FirstnameLastnameCRUK.

Private NPM Registry

Some projects depend on private packages. Set up access by:

  1. Generating a Personal Access Token with read:packages permissions.
  2. Enabling SSO for CRUK.
  3. Adding the token to your ~/.npmrc file: