This document provides details on how to set up CRUK-managed MacBooks.
Admin Access
Admin access is a must. If you want to run sudo
commands or update your /etc/hosts
file, you need admin access. For some unfathomable reason, developer laptops are not provided with admin access as standard. You will need to create a ticket in Service Now and have it authorised by your line manager for EUC support (End User Computing) to enable your admin access. They can do this fairly quickly and remotely; they may require you to restart your machine. Then, add your fingerprint to Touch ID in system settings.
Xcode & Command Line Tools
When installing Xcode from the App Store, disable Windows Defender, restart your machine, download Xcode, and re-enable it after installation. After downloading, installation can take 3–5 hours (ridiculous, I know). Just leave it running. Alternatively, if only the Xcode Command Line Tools are needed (a requirement for Git, Homebrew, etc.), you can simply install Homebrew, and you will be prompted with the option to install Xcode Command Line Tools.
If installing Vagrant, you may run into issues with IP ranges. You need to use sudo
commands to create the directories and file required below:
Add the following to that file (be careful—blank spaces will break the file):
* 2001::/64
See Setting up Vagrant for hosts-only networking.
Enabling NFS
If you want to use NFS, you need to stop the firewall of the endpoint client for CheckPoint VPN from blocking it. Run:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/cpfw.kext
NFS will probably still be blocked until a restart.
is now the default terminal for Macs, replacing bash
is recommended as a way to manage plugins for zsh
See ohmyzsh.
Inside your .zshrc
file, you might have something that looks like this:
See ohmyzsh plugins list.
is an improvement on the default terminal, allowing for tabs and split-screen views.
See iTerm2.
See Setting up terminal guide (Note: This is now a Medium members-only article and requires a Medium account & subscription).
For everything that you can't get from the App Store, Homebrew is the de facto package manager for Macs. To install brew, run the following in the terminal:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Now you can start using brew to install plugins, libraries, and applications. For example:
brew install wget
See Homebrew.
Node and nvm
It is highly likely that you will need the Node runtime to do any web development. It is highly recommended not to install Node but to install nvm
(Node Version Manager) via brew. To use brew, setting up XCode as mentioned above is a prerequisite.
brew install nvm
This is because different repos might depend on different versions of Node, and nvm
gives you the ability to select different versions of Node on the fly. For example, to install and use Node 18:
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
See nvm.
Husky + nvm
Husky is a Node module that can universally, across different operating systems, set up Git hooks for your repo. For example, it ensures it runs through specified linting checks before you commit your code. The reason why it is in this guide is that there are certain hoops to jump through if you want this tool to work with tools like VS Code or SourceTree and nvm
together if you use them to control your commits.
First, create a new file:
touch ~/.huskyrc
And inside, add:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ~/.zshrc
if test -f ".nvmrc"; then
nvm use
Add the following to your .zshrc
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
Passwords in Terminal
To streamline authentication in the terminal, you can enable Touch ID for sudo
commands. This reduces the need to repeatedly enter your password, especially during tasks like managing multiple virtual machines in Vagrant.
To enable Touch ID, edit /etc/pam.d/sudo
(requires sudo
access) and add the following line at the top of the file:
auth sufficient
If using iTerm2
, configure it to preserve sessions after logging out. Go to Settings -> Advanced -> Allow sessions to survive logging out
and enable the option.
This setup ensures smoother and persistent terminal authentication.